A festive recipe collection from our house to yours.
When deciding how we might mark the end of 2021, the editors arrived back at what binds us together as we face the end of a year and the beginning of another: company, story, and breaking bread.
To welcome the new year we asked seven contributors who have joined us at The Signal House Edition at various points over the last eighteen months to share a recipe significant to them and the story that goes with it. And between them — quite accidentally — they cover an entire meal, from entrée to main course to salad, garnish, and dessert, capped off by a drink and even a recipe to give your special meal a little extra fragrance.
As with last year, it seems certain that this year many of us will be further from our loved ones than we would like. But, near or far, those bonds of affection are still strong. We feel them in our bones. We feel them through time. We make and remake them every day.
Thank you for joining us in 2021. We’ll see you in the new year.
The Editors
[top image credit: Oranges on Blue Table, 2021 acrylic and collage by Sally Anne Fitter, by kind permission of the artist]
Recipe cards designed by Rory Foster.